Saturday, March 26, 2011

You Needn't Say a Thing

I've been reading back over some of my older posts, and I'm in the process of wondering at growth. It seems to me that the older I get, the less I have to say about things. In essence, now I am living what I used to type away about. What I am thinking is that the need to process verbally decreases when you incorporate ideas into your daily life, because the more fully you understand a concept, the less likely you are to try to express it in so many words.

...of these many miles
that do but oppress
strain and fray our common threads
and of the indescribable moments
between sleep and wakefulness, life and dream
you needn't say a thing...

My time in Morgantown has been spent well, as painful as it was at times. It's not over yet, either, but I feel content with the timing of my move. It's amazing to look back on progress and realize it was totally other than what I had planned for myself.

Happy Saturday :)

[Title and lyrics: Ben Sollee & Daniel Martin Moore]

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