My life, of late, has been very full and challenging academically. Personally, it's been very happy and relaxed; the combination of which has made for the best series of moods I've had in awhile. A fantastic change of pace from my restlessness pre-Spring Break. I think visiting WVU helped, and I think being invested in my thesis has been really helpful as well.
Ah, The Beatles. So much better.
I feel centered. And capable and happy and content in a very self-aware way. It's a nice place to be - comfort without naivete. I always end up sacrificing happiness to get rid of the blindness that seems to accompany it. Not that it necessarily has to, but that's the pattern I've noticed in my life. Hooray for closet extremism : ).
I've been going to Mass for the past couple of Sundays. It's the tradition I needed, you know? It has a weight and reverence that contemporary Christian culture just doesn't understand sometimes. Not that you have to go to Mass to find that kind of reverence, but I just feel like Catholic services are so beautiful. I'm currently in a place that is settled enough that weak guitar chords and empty harmonies just can't reach it. I suppose that's a little harsh, but I just really struggle with modern churches at times. They rub me the wrong way after awhile. I know that eventually, when I am somewhere for a long enough time to invest in a community I will, but until then I will continue in my lack of commitment. If I'm not able to be fully sustained by a church body, I would much rather come late on Sunday and sit in the back, take in what I need to, and leave without talking to anyone. I realize that probably creates an undesirable spiral, but undesirable is a relative term.
I should clarify - all of this may sound like I reject the idea of community in general. I do not. I hold it in such high esteem that I have a problem settling for anything less than almost-perfection. Hence my problem. I just feel that a church community should be raw, open, diverse, loving, moving, and active. I'm going to find one. I'm going to find that place that opens me up and teaches me how to love. Right now, Mass does a better job in that area than the churches here. But that's just life - no one's perfect, no religious institution is perfect, and I will attend the ones that match where I am in my life. I will take from them what I will, and their doctrine will expand and solidify my ideas about the world, my faith, and my religion.
Wow. Well there you are : ). Sounds a bit defensive, doesn't it? I suppose it is.
I told myself I was going to start working at seven, and it is now 7:30, so I'm going to leave you to your evening. Enjoy : ).