i think that snow makes me thoughtful. the fact that i actually have brain space to devote to thinking is probably adding to my introspective tendencies today.
also, i played piano forever this afternoon after class, and am sitting on the once was yellow but now is brown futon just kind of soaking in my scratchy throat and tired eyes. of all the parts of me to make tired, playing music chooses my eyes? but if eyes really are the windows into the soul, then i suppose that makes sense. if i unlock them for a few hours while i play piano, then they are going to be tired. not that they're so locked usually, but i do think that my curiousity points them outward,which doesn't leave room for too much exposition. like i'm so focused on seeing into others' windows that my eyes tend to reflect instead of being transparent? which is convenient, as far as self-preservation goes. not that i've ever been good at self-preservation, mind you. which is less unfortunate than i used to think, i think.
but. that amazing grand piano does loosen them up, i feel - my eyes i mean. or rather, give them license to be as intense as they like, so loosen is the wrong word. free, the verb, perhaps. anyway, the point is that this is the first time i've been able to go and just play until i was done, you know? and the chapel was open. which is just glorious. because i could see the snow and i could hear the echo of my voice and the piano bouncing off the back wall and i didn't have to be anywhere. i wish i communicate the whole process; the emptiness of the pews, the sound of my feet on the tile walking up to the piano, the resonating squeak of the bench on the wood floor of the stage, the first notes, the first chords that just fill the empty all the way up. the whole building just rings with it, you know?
i haven't worn my boyfriend sweater since being back at school. i felt that it was about time i did, and i am very cozy for that decision.
i also have been thinking about the nature of my heart lately. and what i mean by that is i am discovering just how much of a responsive heart i have been given. i see it everywhere now, in my friendships, in my academics, in my music - everything is a response or a reaction to something or someone. it sounds like a general discovery, doesn't it? doesn't everyone do that? but i don't think everyone is so responsive. i think some people are generative - meaning that they generate things from the inside out, while responders, like me, react to things from the outside in. you would think, as an introvert, that i would be the former rather than the latter, wouldn't you? but i suppose they are separate, extravertedness and responsiveness.
anyway. i'm going to go organize my life a bit. well, maybe.
happy snow day : ).