Saturday, August 28, 2010

This Flight Tonight

I come to you after wasting more time than I'm willing to admit on facebook and compulsively checking all of my email is definitely in session, as are my well-practiced procrastination tools :)

Ginger honey tea, check.

Joni Mitchell, check.

I am in my second year of a Master's program that will hopefully lead to a Ph.D. program and I am, admittedly, lost in the process. In a good way I think - school is hard and time consuming and my job takes up plenty of brain space on its own, so in a lot of ways I am in get-through-school-so-I-can-live mode. What I appreciate about being in the program that I'm in is that it keeps me a little less likely to ignore the present. Hooray for counseling - even if I wanted to avoid myself my professors wouldn't let me! It's good - I'm too emotionally active in the present not to address it, but the part of me that checks all my email inboxes everyday will always be tempted to glaze over the present in favor of the future. I think I am a very confounding combination of Type A and Type B personalities.

Anyway, I've been doing well the past week, really - my sense of purpose in this crazy move-7-hours-away-from-home thing has been restored in the start of classes. And I do feel at home in the apartment I've found - I am content to be pretty independent but am plugging in with groups of friends that I didn't really have access to last year. It's exciting, and the realization that I only have one year left to do what I hoped to accomplish in two is kind of overwhelming. I don't regret where I've been, and I think I will do just fine this year - I think it will be what it needs to be, and then hopefully I will move on and be able to settle just a little bit more into myself and my location.

Now let's hope I don't get too caught up in the present to pay attention to important things like recommendation letters and application forms... That would be so ironic :)

I'm going to continue procrastinating with TV. In my defense, I read four chapters today and posted on my online class discussion forums. Baby steps - I get used to doing nothing very quickly, and I had a month to settle in to a 'summer' routine.

Goodnight :)