Monday, November 24, 2008

we have all the time in the world (to get it right)

i think growth is a marvelous thing. it is also a baffling thing; i will never understand it, though i certainly pride myself on trying.


i am wrong almost exclusively, and i'm beginning to think if i would just accept that i don't understand growth in the first place i'd have an easier time of it. as it is now, not only am i feeling the pain of growth, i'm feeling the pain of readjusting my view of growth. baaaad combination, my friends. i've shocked myself, and those around me i'm sure, with my (negative) reactions to being tugged toward growth. 

really, my neuroses are very well developed. and i didn't even know!

*she chuckles*

thank goodness the welfare of the universe doesn't rest on my shoulders. 

and, thank goodness for the realizations that come after such a time of mental struggle. not that i'm done struggling, now; i'm sure i'll read back over this in a week and laugh at how assured i sound. really though, my process this weekend should hold because the conclusions i reached are ones that are linked to the most unfaltering kind of truths that exist. so i should be fine, though i realize those are famous last words if i've ever heard any. also, i'm fairly certain i said almost an identical thing about two weeks ago . . .

well, bother.

for now, i'm able to laugh at myself and enjoy the convoluted process that is maturation.

i'm content with that; i'll take it.

that it continues! 
here, here.

[title: the frames]